Pandi Claims : Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure


As a Company, we are committed to ensuring that we have effective and transparent procedures for the reasonable and prompt handling of any complaints.  We will ensure that complaints are properly investigated and are resolved appropriately.  Identifying complaints and understanding the underlying causes can also provide our business with valuable information in which to improve the service that we provide to clients.

We recognise that complaints can be made using a variety of mediums such as in writing or orally.

Complaint Procedure

In the event of a complaint, please contact us using the following email address:

Your complaint will be acknowledged immediately.

Some complaints will be resolved informally, i.e. by the close of the third business day following receipt of the complaint. The complaint will only be considered as resolved informally if you have indicated acceptance of the proposed resolution.

If a complaint is not able to be resolved informally, it will be fully reviewed and our Principal informed accordingly.  The review will take into account all of the available evidence.  If further information is required by the Company or our Principal in which to conclude the review, it will be requested from the relevant parties.  At all times we will ensure that complaints are investigated competently, diligently and impartially.  We shall be fair, consistent and arrive at the appropriate customer outcome.

Once the investigation has been completed, we will write to you detailing the complaint, whether the complaint is upheld or not, the reason for the decision and any action to be taken. The response will normally be issued within 14 days of receipt of the complaint.

If we are unable to conclude our review within 14 days from receipt of the complaint, a holding response will be sent.  This will provide you with an update and the date when a response can be expected.

If the complaint arises from a policy of insurance placed within the Lloyd’s market, the firm will comply with the latest Lloyd’s guidelines on the handling of complaints, as published and updated on the following website:

Appointing Someone to Act on Your Behalf

If you ask someone else to act on your behalf, you should provide us with written authority to allow us to deal with them. If you employ a professional to represent you, you will need to meet their costs yourself.